Posted by: John Colby | Monday May 27 2024

Covid and age – policy on the fly – stuff coming to light

Covid and age – policy on the fly – stuff coming to light

From this week’s reports:

  • In week 20, influenza activity decreased slightly in most indicators. COVID-19 activity decreased across most indicators with the number of ARI incidents increasing slightly, and hospitalisations remaining stable.
  • In week 20, 4,691 respiratory specimens reported through the Respiratory DataMart System were tested for SARS-CoV-2. There were 302 positive samples for SARS-CoV-2 with an overall positivity of 6.4%, which decreased compared with 8.8% in the previous week. The highest positivity was seen in adults aged over 65 years at 8.5%.

Chart shows the Week 20 age related positivity and the age related effect, no change from the norm with the n0ver 65’s predominating in infections.

I’m not going to do detailed stats on the General Election – there’s comprehensive set from the BBC General election 2024 poll tracker: How do the parties compare?

However it seems that out esteemed Prime Minister (using that word advisedly) has repeated his blasé and and gung-ho approach to setting policy by “declaring” National Service.

  • Admiral Alan West, a former chief of the naval staff, said it was a “bonkers” plan which would deplete the defence budget.
  • General Richard Dannatt, a former chief of the general staff, said the proposal was “electoral opportunism”. … “The costs of this would be considerable in terms of trainers and infrastructure. This task cannot just be imposed on the armed forces as an extra thing to do.”
  • Michael Portillo, a former defence secretary, said the announcement could do further damage to the Tories’ reputation for fiscal responsibility. “The way in which this policy has been produced worries me very much indeed. That is to say, I very much doubt whether it’s been thought through, and I doubt whether the armed services and all the charities that need to be involved have been consulted and are on board. It represents an increase in public expenditure and that’s very important, because it puts the Conservatives on the back foot. Because, on the whole, the Conservatives have been saying we’ve got clear plans, we’re the government. Now ask Labour how they’re going to find the extra money. But now this reverses all that, because now Labour can say the Conservatives are making promises which aren’t funded.”
  • More evidence that policy os been generated on the fly of that the pledge was launched just two days after the defence minister Andrew Murrison said that the government had no plans for national service in “any form” because it would do more harm than good.
  • Source

When people of this status experience use the type of direct language described you could imagine their incredulity when first hearing the news. Left hand-right hand again. July 4th will be the defining date.

Domestically – been busy and something to show for it. In my sorting found a load of specialist tools I’d forgotten I’d bought, but their coming to light again brought a smile to my face. The weather, being typical for a bank holiday, does not give me any excuse to depart from the domestic chores, which is a good thing for the progress of said chores.

Tomorrow back to marking.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Goldberg Variations BWV 988: Aria da Capo, Seldom Sene

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