Posted by: John Colby | Tuesday June 18 2024

Post Office – exam board – strimmer frustrations

Post Office – exam board – strimmer frustrations

Truth is a stranger to some. And morals and ethics, it seems

In 2012, under pressure from MPs, the Post Office commissioned a report from Second Sight to look into claims from sub-postmasters that Horizon had been to blame for shortfalls in their accounts, rather than criminality.


  • The Post Office was “constantly sabotaging” the work of independent investigators probing issues with the Horizon IT system.
  • Forensic accountant Ian Henderson said the Post Office unjustifiably withheld documents from his company, Second Sight, 
  • He said protecting the Post Office brand was the priority, rather than supporting sub-postmasters.
  • Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells tried to steer investigators away from looking into potential miscarriages of justice.
  • Mr Henderson and his colleague Ron Warmington began investigating various cases but were sacked by the Post Office in March 2015.
  • Mr Henderson said that “within days” of being provided with the available documents in late October 2012, “we realised that we may be looking at a significant number of miscarriages of justice”.
  • Source.

Naming names. Is there any hope that those responsible will face justice? No, thought not. It should never have been privatised, and now the incoming government will have to deal with it.

Exam board today (other spellings are available) and noted that the same students were not submitting as didn’t in my module. Most of these are repeat year students, so I do ask what’s the point? I used to be course director for a degree pathway that took account of students failing some modules, and that had a 50% qualification rate with some getting firsts. They came onto my pathway, otherwise we’d have thrown them out. But we’re not doing repeat year students who don’t turn up any favours by doubling their debt just so that they can say they’re at university..

However, as everyone’s fed up with me saying, it’s not going to be my problem soon, and I can then wax lyrical about how things should be run. You have been warned.

Woke at six, couldn’t get back to sleep so started early, walked into town blood test (routine), then more data checking, then the board, then this evening mowers the weed patch, after getting the strimmer out and using it for three quarters of an hour. No, that’s not right, actually used if for less than five minutes, the rest of the time was trying to persuade the string that it would be a good idea if it co-operated. The string had other ideas. I know what it’s not used more often. 

Tomorrow I will get the car back in time for getting into Birmingham on Thursday for a couple of revision support sessions.


Jacquet of Mantua (1483-1559), Murus tuus, Mottetti del frutto a sei voci, 1539, MusicaSecreta, Laurie Stras

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