Posted by: John Colby | Tuesday June 11 2024

Public services, not tax cuts – finalising spreadsheets

Public services, not tax cuts – finalising spreadsheets

We’re promised tax cuts, again, should they get in. When Margaret Thatcher stood for election in 1979 she made one of her manifesto points that she was a housewife used to dealing with budgets, of income and expenditure. Rishi Sunk also mentions limiting welfare.

The point about tax cuts is that they do not benefit those on low incomes much, and those people  on lower incomes are sometimes reliant on welfare, which they’re also said they’ll limit. Where, pray, is the income for government to govern?

Where has the humanity gone? I know, it’s leached out of society by the haves, those who are greedy for more income, those who are being given incentives. I just hope that the population will see sense and remove the current government to replace it with an administration with a darned sight more morals.

End of political rant, for now.

No new Covid data, and that which is being published is very much reduced from that we were used to in the not so distant past.

Today I’ve become an Knackered Emic, having completed phase one of the new checking and record maintenance prior to exam boards next week. I will still have to check the printout of the entries and sign it off, but the end is in sight. 

Other domestics have piled up in the kitchen sink, so I need to attack them. I got some chicken out of the freezer this morning and put it in the fridge, and then forgot to take it out in of said fridge time to thaw before cooking, so a quick trip to Sainsbury’s, an eighteen mile round trip, produced a curry for supper, along with some price reduced salmon which has found a home in the freezer. The joys of rural living. That, by the way, was today’s excitement which tells how much fun I’m having currently.

However the highlight of today’s broadcast listening is a performance of Ralph Vaughan Williams first symphony, A Sea Symphony, of 1910. Currently is on the fourth movement, when the soloists and choir sing ‘O thou transcendent’, which is the title of a Vaughan Williams biopic. I’m mentioning this because it’s keeping me sane.


Following the checking I’ve been doing …

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741), La Notte – The Nightmare, RV 439, CAMARADA

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